Kiwanis Sympathetic to Bill Ayers?

By: Jeff Petersen

Last night I attended a protest at Purdue University brought on by the presence of Bill Ayers.  It was very successful as those of us protesting outnumbered those who listened to the unrepentant terrorist by a margin of 3 to 1.  This is a man who hates what the United States stands for in the most fundamental way.  He is a cop killer.  He now has turned his efforts towards what he sees as the surest way of “reforming America” and that is through the indoctrination of our youth.  He considers himself an “educator”.  Along these lines he was invited as a speaker at a Kiwanis event.

 There were hundreds of phone calls made to the Kiwanis HQ about not allowing this killer to speak.  All were told that Ayers would be allowed to exercise his First Amendment Right.  If you find this as repulsive as I do I am asking that you direct others to this article AND to NOT BUY ANY KIWANIS Peanuts.  This is their big fundraising weekend.  Let them know that the youth of America has no business associating itself with Ayers or his doctrine.

Speaking in Elgin IL at Kiwanis

Speaking in Elgin IL at Kiwanis

Who writes the bills? Who is the Apollo Alliance? A high school student asks Congressman Steve Buyer – if HR 3200 passes, and salaries for physicians are capped, what motivation does he have to enter med school?

More questions:

Part 5:

Part 6 (SCHIP):

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

I, David William Hedrick, a member of the silent majority, decided that I was not going to be silent anymore. So, I let U.S. Congressman Brian Baird have it. I was one questioner out of 38, that was called at random from an audience that started at 3,000 earlier in the evening. Not expecting to be called on, I quickly scratched what I wanted to say on a borrowed piece of paper and with a pen that I borrowed from someone else in the audience minutes before I spoke. So much for the planned talking points of the right wing conspiracy.

August 20, 2009

Senator Bayh,

After reading the attached letter to you from a fellow Hoosier (Whom I have never met), I need to remind you how I feel as well regarding H.R. 3200 “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act” and any similar bill.  My wife and I have written and called Rep Peter Visclosky, Senator Lugar and your self on various topics during 2008 and 2009.  We have received responses from your office and appreciate them.  Since you represent us, we need to understand what you stand for and what you are doing in Washington.

Concern is growing daily over the direction our current President and Congress are taking us.

As a CPA, I believe in small, medium and large business based on my experiences.  Businesses have adjusted extremely quickly to the recession during the last 9 months.  We have cut cost in order to be able to service our customers, pay our vendors and employ as many people as we can considering the current environment.  We are making these changes so that we can return to creating wealth which can be used to reinvest back into our people and communities.  Those that have not been able to adjust because their business models completely broke down have the Bankruptcy System to re-employ the remaining assets into new productive structures.  It would take years for the US Government to adjust operations/spending the way that American Businesses have already been able to. 

My experience also tells me that the smaller businesses can adjust much more quickly than the very large ones.  That is why growing the US Federal Government with Deficit Spending and unavoidable Increased Taxes is UNACCEPTABLE.  Like AIG and GM etc, the US Government is also not TOO BIG TO FAIL.  Like the US Taxpayer Bailouts of AIG and GM only the US Tax Payer will be able to save the US Government causing extreme pain to those Tax Payers.

I say all this to say that the average tax paying Hoosier is against Government Run Health Care in whatever form or language Congress uses.  The larger the US Government grows the less freedom individual Americans have.  The Doctor expressed this very well.

We ask you to vote against any form of Government Run Health Care and any form of Health Care Reform that increases deficits or raises taxes.

Most importantly, whether you vote for or against Government Run Health Care doesn’t really matter.  What matters is if Government Run Health Care passes.  If it passes than you did not do enough to stop it!  Our only alternative than will be to vote you out of office and replace you with someone who represents us.  My family is prepared to spend our time and resources to see that we are represented in Congress now and in the future. 

No we are not a large special interest, we are Americans!  Our individual voice is small but we have remembered how to use it, and there are many of us.  Please hear us and act on our behalf.


Daniel  XXX, CPA

Hoosier Tax Payer and Voter

The following was submitted by one of the members tyof the Indy Tea Party.  Please visit their website at .  They have a place to donate and/or purchase merchandise.  If you have a story of your own you would like published to my blog please submit it to me at …. Enjoy!

Hi Patriots,

 Always the optimist, Saturday morning July 4th, I filled thermoses with ice water and ice tea for the INdependence Day Tea Party. We planned for a day of sun, heat and humidity typical of an Indiana July 4th.  As the volunteer in charge of the Medical Response Team, I had planned for weeks for every possible medical emergency.  I had already packed the first aid kits and other supplies we might need the night before.  My husband had borrowed a tent from his employer for the event and had the first aid tent, the “patient” cot, and chairs in the car as well.  I prayed that we would not have rain despite the forecasts on the news and the increasingly dismal sky.  Mostly I prayed for a huge turn out to the event that many of us on the leadership team had prepared for since the minute after the 4/15 Tea Party was over.  I prayed that a great many would be determined to stand with us against what is happening in our government now and would attend despite the weather forecasts.

 As we drove downtown the drizzle started. By the time we parked and began to unload the supplies from our car it was clearly raining.  We checked in with the rest of the team, already setting up tents and supplies, and then my husband and I set up the first aid tent, cot and chairs.  It was a challenge to keep things dry in the 10’x10′ tent.  The blanket as well as the first aid kits had to be kept in bags to keep from being soaked.  Once the first aid tent was set up it was time for the meeting of all volunteers at 1pm.  Everyone was already soaked to the skin from the rain but we were all excited that all the months of preparation were coming together.  Richard and Laura, the eternal optimists, gave us a pep talk and last minute instructions then we all gathered for a lunch before returning to our tasks made ever more challenging by the constant rain. Umbrellas were useless as most things that needed done, needed done with two hands.

 Back at the first aid tent we were finishing preparations when a man wearing a USMC hat stepped up to me and said “Here, I thought you could use this.” He handed me a sturdy plastic, waterproof, tub the size of a shoebox.  I opened the tub and found it filled with neatly sorted sterile gauze pads and bandages.  I asked him if he wanted it back after the event and he said “No, keep it.”  After I said “Thank you!!!”  The Marine quietly walked off.  I had purchased first aid kits but if we didn’t have to open them they could be returned to the store and the money donated back to the IN Tea Party to help pay off the debt for the event. (I hope that Marine is reading this now because I wanted him to know that his supplies were used for an attendee’s eye injury shortly after the event started.  I used sterile gauze from the Marine’s box and didn’t have to open the kits from the store. Because of that we have $50 that can help pay for the event.)

 I thought I would faint when the State Police officer assigned to our event stepped into the tent and told us that they had arranged for AED’s to be available to us if needed.  I had asked him earlier if he carried one in his State Police car and when he said “no” I thought “well, I expected we wouldn’t have one available so this is not a huge set back”. Clearly the rain was going to discourage about anyone from attending so chances were slim we would need an AED anyway.  Now we would have access to an AED after all!  The team was given the number to call if we needed the AED. We were now as prepared as we possibly could be.  Our Medical Response team was comprised of Dr Blank (the ER doc who spoke) and 4 other R.N.’s Wes, Kesa, Julie, and Dot, all volunteers.

 As the event was nearing its start the Committee volunteers met once more about 4:30pm to discuss the last minute changes brought about by the ceaseless rain.  Silent questions about whether the Wright Bros. would be able to perform at all were met with the obvious answer given by the rain.  We looked about the soggy grounds and saw that there were very few people gathered besides the volunteers and the event was due to start in less than a half an hour.  We all remembered how people arrived for the Tax Day Tea Party hours before the event and now only a handful of people stood in the rain waiting for the show.  We had a prayer lead by one of the event speakers.  It was a great prayer but honestly, my spirits were getting lower by the minute and I personally had trouble mustering the same optimism as the Behney’s and other volunteers.  Once the prayer and meeting ended we all scurried back to our assigned places to greet the people we still hoped would come to the event…

 I returned to the first aid tent.  I felt I needed to remain there even though Kesa another volunteer R.N. was there.  I really wanted to attend the March from Monument Circle but I felt my first responsibility as leader of the Medical Response Team was to remain at the tent as much as possible.  A phone call came in to one of the volunteers nearby and the message was relayed to us…there were a couple hundred people assembled at the Monument for the march!  I thought well at least we’ll have a couple hundred people attend but in reality that news didn’t do much to lift my damp spirits. We’d hoped for thousands of people, a couple hundred didn’t compare. The committee members had been working 3 months, so very hard, to make this day a huge success only to see it washed down the drain with the rain that was coming down harder and harder as the time of the event approached.  About 5pm I began to hear the distant beats of the drum from the march.  It pulled me from my post in the first aid tent toward the part of the park where they would arrive.  Even though I was already soaked from the rain, as I left shelter of the tent, I began to feel even soggier and now cold too.  My mind thought back to all the sacrifices I had made to help with planning this event, time not spent with my husband and granddaughter, time not spent on my business, time not spent just to relax.  I thought of all the things that had not gotten done while I focused every shred of time I could on the Tea Party events.  I thought about how I would rather be at home now, warm and dry, maybe catching up on some sleep on the sofa…   Then, the beats of the drum got louder and I looked up to see the front rows of marchers coming toward me.  I began to cheer them on, I figured it was the least I could do since they had come out in the rain to participate in our event.  Then the first row of marchers turned the corner and behind them…more marchers!  I put my hand to my mouth in amazement, now too stunned to chant or cheer.  People really did care enough about this cause to march in a downpour!  But then the marchers just kept coming and as they turned the corner they revealed more marchers.  I felt like an idiot, here I was the Medical Response Team leader, wearing a Committee Leader security badge and I was crying.  Crying tears of JOY!  All the hours were NOT wasted!  People really did still care about the Tea Party movement!  They cared so much that they were not going to let the rain wash away their determination!  I started shouting “We’ve had enough!”  with the marchers while tears ran down my face. Like the others have written…the emotion was OVERWHELMING!

 To any of you who attended, I want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart for your determination and your PRESENCE at the INdependence Day Tea Party.  Every single one of you made every sacrifice we committee members make worth it!  I think I can safely speak for all the volunteers when I say that.  Your presence among MANY hundreds of others standing, resolute, in pouring rain CAN NOT be ignored by the media or more importantly our elected officials!  It is my hope and prayers that you will continue to make your voices heard and your presence seen as we go forward with future events including the flash rally this Wednesday at the GOP fundraiser.  We cannot relent!  We WILL NOT relent!

  Humbly submitted,


 P.S.  We had only one other “patient” in the First Aid Tent and he only required 2 antiseptic wipes and 2 band aids.  A safe event was a big bonus!

‘Here’s my strategy on the Cold War:
We win, they lose.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘The most terrifying words
in the English language are:
I’m from the government
and I’m here to help.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘The trouble with our liberal friends
is not that they’re ignorant;
it’s just that they know so much
that isn’t so.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘Of the four wars in my lifetime,
none came about because
the U.S. was too strong.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘The taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is
a government program.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘It has been said that politics
is the second oldest profession.
I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it.
And if it stops moving, subsidize it.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.’
– Ronald Reagan

‘If we ever forget
that we’re one nation under God,
then we will be a nation gone under.’
– Ronald Reagan

I apologize for the stagnant blog. From time to time things come up in life that simply cannot wait. That being said I have a few articles already to go for the site.

The following was obtained by a fella I call Don of Indy. I think it is a good read for a couple of reasons. 1. It gives you insight into the current apathy in our country; 2. It gives encouragement to those who are attempting to make a difference. Enjoy JP:

Hey Folks,

I attended the Townhall meeting today at the White River Branch of the Greenwood Library. State Rep (R) David Frizzell was also in attendance with Burton. Other than Tea Party events, this was my first attempt at politics since I moved back to Indiana in Sept 06. There were 12 – 15 of us in the audience. I was surprised at the small turnout, in my estimation. But, that bubble was busted immediately, by Burton’s and Frizzell’s opening remarks, “In at least 7 years, this is the largest turn out for a Townhall meeting that they had seen; usually only two or three people show up.” I though to myself, “no wonder this country is in such bad shape with so little public interest and apparent apathy.”

I found the meeting to be interesting, enlightening, and educational. I would recommend all of you to start attending future townhall meetings. They really do listen and inform. The meeting lasted about an hour, but, seemed longer. That is not a negative, a real positive point. So much was discussed in such a short time that it seemed much longer. I came away refreshed and encouraged, because even outside of our Tea Party groups, there is a lot of similar sentimentality.

Now to some specifics of the discussion:

The start off subject was the State Budget. They laid out enough background to help me understand the infighting that went on in the State House and to give me a better feel of how things (generally) operate between the four caucuses (Reps and Dems in House and the Reps and Dems in the Senate). We should congratulate ourselves because we are one of only eight states to pass a balanced budget. [You have probably seen the national discussion of “bailout” for states that cannot budget for themselves.] This led to an explanation of the troubles in coming to a compromised bipartisan agreement on the budget.

I’m sure that all members of our group know that the Indiana House is run by a one man rule, Speaker of the House, State Rep (D) B. Patrick Bauer (South Bend). The Dems (read Bauer) wanted to add lots of unfunded items and to raise taxes. But, and this is an important point, both Burton and Frizzell made a point of congratulating us, the audience, for causing a change to business as usual. And, I want to pass this on to all.

When the Special Session was convened and was stalemated by Bauer, as a result, the House was deluged with emails, phone calls, and faxes to the point that the systems had to be shut down. All of it directed to individual reps and mostly directly at Bauer. So overwhelming was the mail, plus a couple of editorial in the Media, caused Bauer to realize that he was pissing off too many people so he recused himself from the budget discussion.  His stepping aside allowed the Rep and Dem members of the house to come to a compromised budget that was balanced and had a $1 billon reserve, and not new, or raised, taxes.

I make this point, not just because Burton and Frizzell thanked us, but, because I personally hope that all of you understand that enough voices can make a difference. So if you were one of those who spoke out, pat yourself on the back.

This discussion about Bauer, led to my shinning moment, in my opinion. As a follow-up, I asked both of them what they, and the other Republican members of the House, and the State Repub Com are doing to unseat Bauer and to regain control of the House? I must admit their answers were more than a tad disappointing. Both agreed that winning majority control at the next election was a given, and both talked about what “they” will do when they win. They plan to redistrict the state along geographic areas, not along political affiliations, as is the current districting, which was done by the Dems. Even after pressing, I was left wondering at to ‘how’ they plan to win the majority.

$823 million of the new State budget goes for education, but, most of audience discussion concerned the out of control school board in Center Grove and Franklin. Building Taj Mahal’s was the main issue. But, changes which require school boards to get public approval thru referendums are supposed to solve the problem.

Property Tax cap was discussed, and both promised to push for a State Constitution amendment to limit property taxes to 1% of accessed value. Both pointed out that the Dems are trying to make pools, decks, gazebos, etc, separate and taxable separately.

Increased benefits for Vets was discussed, and I, as a Vet, am pleased.

2nd Amendment was endorsed by both.

Most of the remaining discussion centered on individual/local issues. i.e. extra curricular activities at schools should be self funding.

I did make a point to both Burton and Frizzell, that there are 18+ Tea Party related groups in Indiana. We represent an untapped resource and many members are ready and willing to help take back our state and our country.

One last note, this meeting reinforced my opinion that it is the squeaky wheel that gets oiled. Speak out and make your voice heard. They really do listen, even when they do not answer you mail.

Don of Indy

“One of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence.” Charles A. Beard (1874-1948)

….To answer the question of “how will we get the majority back?” … it will be through good and decent people who have common sense about them… they will show up to the polls and escort some of these folks out of office.  JP

This is something that many people don’t understand. In one way, it should work this way — the higher the tax rate, the more revenue you take in — but it doesn’t. The Laffer Curve is the visual reason why; but the explanation is also quite simple: the more you tax, the more people hide their money; the more you tax, the more they move themselves and/or their money; the more you tax, the less incentive people have to earn money; the more you tax, the less there is to spend; the less there is to spend, the slower the economy goes; the slower the economy goes, the less revenue comes in.

One of the series of books I read through and greatly enjoyed was the Nero Wolfe mystery series, written by Rex Stout (and a few years ago, also made into a series of A&E TV shows). The books were set contemporary to when they were written, with the first one being published in the 30s, I think, and going all the way through the 70s. A recurring motif in several of the earlier ones (probably those written in the 40s and 50s), was the oppressive income tax, and how it squelched the brilliant detective’s desire to take on a case. When the novels were set in late November or early December, it was frequently noted that Wolfe would turn down cases because he was at or near a certain income, and if he earned any more, he would be taxed at a rate of 90% for it, so he figured that 10% of whatever fee simply wasn’t worth it. And that’s true — would you want to do the same amount of work and actually get to keep only 10% of your gross? It’s ridiculous! It’s time to trim the federal budget, so that we can keep more of our money. We are


