Who writes the bills? Who is the Apollo Alliance? A high school student asks Congressman Steve Buyer – if HR 3200 passes, and salaries for physicians are capped, what motivation does he have to enter med school?

More questions:

Part 5:

Part 6 (SCHIP):

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Read about the double standard in this article by Michelle Malkin.

Remember that famous quote from John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address? That famous line, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country,” has been repeated by many different people over the past 48 years in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes. But it seems that we have forgotten it, and are only asking what our country or our government can do for us.

During this past election cycle, I got in a conversation with someone who was planning on voting for Obama and basically an entire Democrat and/or liberal ticket. She asked me why I was going to vote Republican, because “what have the Republicans ever given you?” I’ve thought about that question a lot in the past several months, and found it to give insight into the reason why government is so big, why they take so much from us in taxes, and why they are elected into office again and again, despite their massive failures. [Massive failures? Yes! Pres. Johnson declared “War on Poverty” in the 60s, and it’s only gotten worse. Yet we continue to throw good money after bad, in the apparent insane hopes that maybe this time history won’t repeat itself. And that’s just one example.]

This woman didn’t realize it, but she was selling her vote to the highest bidder — to whomever was able to convince her that s/he was going to give her the most. In one way, that’s not too different from what everyone does — everyone votes for the person that s/he thinks is the best. The difference comes in the way someone determines who will be the best candidate for the job. It’s an easy thing to vote for someone who promises you to “give” you what you want (even if, like so many campaign promises, the promise is forgotten the day after the election). It’s much harder — requires more discipline, more maturity, more circumspection, more thought — to vote for someone who does not promise you the moon.

But it is important to remember, that “the government” cannot give unless it first takes. They take our money in the form of taxes, then they take a percentage of our money off the top for bureaucracy, then they give us back a smaller portion of our money in the form of “benefits” and services. Some taxation is necessary, and some benefits and services are needful; but it’s time to say enough already!!!

We have to step up and let our voice be heard. A reader named Craig sent the link to this news story about various Representatives and Senators going apoplectic about proposed budget cuts, because the cuts were going to affect their districts. One of the items was a Presidential helicopter that Obama says is not necessary. Although $800,000,000 is a drop in the bucket, compared to the monstrosity of the “stimulus” package, it is still eight hundred million dollars of your money and my money that will be spent unnecessarily unless it is ultimately cut. And it will be spent because people voted, not for what they could do for their country, but what their country could do for them. Unfortunately, that comes at a very steep price, because as I said before, the government cannot give anything that it does not first take away.

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Term limits urged for all politicians

I am a great-grandmother who attended the inspiring patriotic Knoxville Tea Party.

I am an angry American who is witnessing our country being destroyed in less than 100 days of the Barack Obama administration.

As a nation, we must return to the God-given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness as provided in the Declaration of Independence.

The grassroots movement by ordinary people must save our freedom in America. We must have limited government–of the people, for the people and by the people.

Term limits for all politicians.

Mary Sanders

published in the Knoxville News Sentinel, May 2009

Earlier, Chuck gave his perspective on the TEA Party he helped organize [in seven days] in Ripley, Mississippi. Here is the video of the rally, with speaker Les Riley.

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When a budget debate is underway, and some politicians try to cut taxes so that you and I can keep more of our money, the refrain from some in the media as well as certain politicians (who tend to be liberal — they liberally take our money in the form of taxes and liberally spend our money in the form of pork programs) is, “How are we going to pay for these tax cuts??” That’s the wrong question.

Nobody “pays” for tax cuts — it’s actually an absurdity.

If you spend everything you earn, and then lose some of your income, nobody would ask you, “How are you going to pay for your pay cut?” because it is recognized as not making any sense. Rather, someone might ask how you are going to pay your expenses due to your pay cut. It might seem like a minor quibble, but it really isn’t. Words are powerful! In skipping the step, and saying “pay for tax cuts,” it gives a powerful force to those who want to keep taking more of your money.

When you and I are faced with a reduction in income, what do we do? We economize. We reduce our expenses to match our income. Luxuries and non-necessary items are the first to go. You and I have to do this sometimes — why should our government (which is supposedly “we the people”) be so different? Why should the government continue to pay for luxuries and non-necessary items when revenue goes down, while you and I have to tighten our belts in order to make it?

In asking, “How are we going to pay for tax cuts?” it makes it sound as if the expenses are fixed and unalterable! How ridiculous! In any budget, there are only two sides to the equation: income and expenses. If my income goes down and I can’t get it back up, I have to cut my expenses. If the government’s income actually goes down due to cuts in tax rates (which is arguable), why do they act as if they cannot reduce their expenses? That’s just arrogance, pure and simple. It also smacks of immaturity — like the guy who is living on the edge (or even over the edge), but won’t give up his meals out or his unlimited cell phone usage or cable TV even if he can’t meet his bills. Or someone who buys a brand-new car that he can’t afford just because he likes it. Reminds me of a toddler — “But I want it!”

It’s time for some grown-ups to stand up and put the arrogant teenagers and toddlers that are currently in charge of our government back in their places, so that those who are mature (not necessarily old; just mature — able to say “no” and mean it) can run the government and get us back on the right path.

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Entitled Tea partier is not would-be terrorist

I have been described as the whining rich, arrogant, redneck, astro-roots, would-be, could-be terrorist by the media.

In reality, I am a 78 year-old grandmother who participated in the Knoxville Tea Party.

I worked 33 years for AT&T and earned a pension and am considered in the poverty category.

Everything I buy is taxed. Food is a necessity–a big tax burden out of my budget.

I fear for my grandchildren and their load of our government debt.

My sign said, “Stop Bankrupting America.”

I want the best for my country and pray that we are not headed on the road to socialism and international law.

Ruth Yetsko

published in the Knoxville News Sentinel on May 9, 2009

Hi Jeff,

Here are my thoughts on how and why I got involved.

I am 55 years old, a father of 4 ( 3 girls and a boy between the ages of 34 and 29). I have 9 grandchildren under the age of 6. I have been married twice. The first was for 19 years and she was the mother of my children. The second one did not count( big mistake).Luanne Dahringer and I currently live together in Castleton and have been together for 7 years now. We are truly soul mates.

I grew up in Wisconsin and I am a diehard Green Bay Packer fan ( truly America’s team). I have been in the foundry industry since I was 18 years old. I came down to Indianapolis in 1982 to work for a foundry in Noblesville. I got into sales for them and have been in sales now for 25 years. I have traveled the country and did business all over the world, even built a foundry in Brazil.

I have always voted Republican and have been a conservative. The first day I heard Rush Limbaugh on the radio 20 years ago, I got it. I did not need the normal 6 weeks to understand him. I started to become disenchanted with George Bush 41 over the “read my lips” remark. I did sit out the Bob Dole election.

I was not thrilled with John McCain until Sarah Palin was chosen. I had listened to all the things about Barack, but I was going to vote for McCain anyways. I was sitting one night in a hotel in Harrisburg, Pa. and saw a report about Obama on Sean Hannity’s tv show and said to myself, “this man can’t get elected”. It will destroy my kids and grandkids lives. I made a $100 donation to the Republican Party and called Luanne to tell her what I did and that we needed to get involved. She agreed. When I got home, I went to the Republican Headquarters on Allisonville Rd and got my signs and volunteered for the campaign. I called all my friends, talked to my online friends and talked with my kids and the rest of my family.
Alas, John McCain did not get elected, ( although I don’t think it would have made a difference). But I was still concerned about what was going to happen with Obama’s election. I watch Glenn Beck all the time and he talked about the 9-12 project. Lu and I were part of the group that Richard and Laura Behney assembled in Fishers for Glenn’s 9-12 tv show, and we decided that we wanted to get involved. Since getting involved, I want to do whatever is needed to change the direction that this country is going for my kids and grandkids, even though they may not get the big picture as to what is happening to us.

My motto has always been— the power of positive thinking—- things will change because of our efforts. The Tea Party is just the beginning!

Dave Jankowski