
Daily Times – Site Edition Friday, October 30, 2009

Al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan: Hillary Clinton

* US taxes everything, and ‘that’s not what we see in Pakistan’
* Pakistan must start planning for challenges posed by population growth
* US secretary of state meets COAS

LAHORE: The leadership of Al Qaeda is in Pakistan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Thursday.

“I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn’t get them if they really wanted to,” she added.

“Maybe that’s the case; maybe they’re not gettable. I don’t know… As far as we know, they are in Pakistan,” Clinton told senior Pakistani newspaper editors in Lahore, AFP reported. “The percentage of taxes on GDP (in Pakistan) is among the lowest in the world… We (the United States) tax everything that moves and doesn’t move, and that’s not what we see in Pakistan,” she said.

“You do have 180 million people. Your population is projected to be about 300 million. And I don’t know what you’re going to do with that kind of challenge, unless you start planning right now,” she said.

“If we are going to have a mature partnership where we work together” then “there are issues that not just the United States but others have with your government and with your military security establishment”.

Separately, Clinton also met army chief General Ashfaq Kayani and exchanged views on a host of security-related issues. afp/sajjad malik

Hi All,

I am welcoming a new author to the blog… many of you have seen him at different rallies… please welcome Patriot Paul…. JP

I think that is about 3500 people... but math isn't so good

I think that is about 3500 people... but math isn't so good

Tea Party–Mother of All

By: Patriot Paul

 During the Bush and Obama administrations, the frustration exemplified with tea parties, rallies, and protests culminated in a massive display of freedom-loving individuals converging on our nation’s capitol on 9/12 for the purpose of showing displeasure of excessive government at the expense of common sense and the rule of law.  Freedom Works, Resistnet, Teaparty Patriots, Heartland Institute, Americans for Tax Reform and the Ayn Rand Center for Individuals Rights, and others help sponsor and promote the event through networking and emails with Fox News opinion and talk show providing incentive and enthusiasm, along with the Tea Party Express speakers and entertainers.  Largely grassroots moms & pops, many of whom never held a sign nor public engaged in defense of freedoms, arrived by plane, train, car and bus (over 450 buses) which accumulated to a mass that surprised the capitol police and overwhelmed assigned gathering areas.  Most arrived at Freedom Plaza, roughly one mile from the Capitol building down Pennsylvania Ave where the march was to start.  Due to ‘containment’ problems, the march started early and many were detoured into side streets for rerouting to the Capitol, compounding a head count, which partly explains  various numbers from the absurd handful to a sky-high two million. However, one picture is worth 1.2 million words.  “The line of protesters clogged several blocks near the capitol, according to the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.”

 Online websites are prevalent on deciphering the attendance.

 The Administration offered the following:  “I don’t know who the group is,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters with a shrug.”

And White House senior adviser claimed “I don’t think it’s indicative of the nation’s mood,” Axelrod said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “You know, I don’t think we ought to be distracted by that. My message to them is, they’re wrong.”

 While it is shameful the administration went into denial, then criticism,  perhaps the largest grassroots protest movement made their voices heard, despite those on Capitol Hill who remain tone-deaf.  Axelrod’s contention that this peaceful assembly is ‘wrong’ simply reinforces the demonstrators’ conviction of unrepresented representatives with beltway blindness.  Added to this insult, the populists have been broad-brushed with being right-wing extremists, domestic terrorists, radicals, and racists with former President Carter a self-proclaimed accuser that the majority of the hate stems from Obama’s blackness; a disappointing race card charge the administration denies.


 Regular media offered its token disproportional presence compared with extensive coverage of lesser attended events.  For a scorecard of behavior, check out

C-Span covered much of the event

The NY.Times has it’s own slideshow  

Lowly rated MSNBC tried to be fair despite chronic inquiries to it’s reporter questioning if anything had gone wrong.

About 15 Colonial dressed individuals and drum & fife led the march.  Police reported no arrests and no violence.

Dozens of tea parties took place simultaneously across the nation while others gathered for the live stream in hotels for Glenn Beck coverage on Fox.

While this may be the mother of all Tea Parties, it may pale in comparison to next year. 

 Patriot Paul

Patriot Paul goes to Washington

Patriot Paul goes to Washington

Patriots fighting for our liberties

Patriots fighting for our liberties

This is the best Washington has looked in a long time!

This is the best Washington has looked in a long time!

Liberals… uncovered for what they are

The following was submitted by one of the members tyof the Indy Tea Party.  Please visit their website at .  They have a place to donate and/or purchase merchandise.  If you have a story of your own you would like published to my blog please submit it to me at …. Enjoy!

Hi Patriots,

 Always the optimist, Saturday morning July 4th, I filled thermoses with ice water and ice tea for the INdependence Day Tea Party. We planned for a day of sun, heat and humidity typical of an Indiana July 4th.  As the volunteer in charge of the Medical Response Team, I had planned for weeks for every possible medical emergency.  I had already packed the first aid kits and other supplies we might need the night before.  My husband had borrowed a tent from his employer for the event and had the first aid tent, the “patient” cot, and chairs in the car as well.  I prayed that we would not have rain despite the forecasts on the news and the increasingly dismal sky.  Mostly I prayed for a huge turn out to the event that many of us on the leadership team had prepared for since the minute after the 4/15 Tea Party was over.  I prayed that a great many would be determined to stand with us against what is happening in our government now and would attend despite the weather forecasts.

 As we drove downtown the drizzle started. By the time we parked and began to unload the supplies from our car it was clearly raining.  We checked in with the rest of the team, already setting up tents and supplies, and then my husband and I set up the first aid tent, cot and chairs.  It was a challenge to keep things dry in the 10’x10′ tent.  The blanket as well as the first aid kits had to be kept in bags to keep from being soaked.  Once the first aid tent was set up it was time for the meeting of all volunteers at 1pm.  Everyone was already soaked to the skin from the rain but we were all excited that all the months of preparation were coming together.  Richard and Laura, the eternal optimists, gave us a pep talk and last minute instructions then we all gathered for a lunch before returning to our tasks made ever more challenging by the constant rain. Umbrellas were useless as most things that needed done, needed done with two hands.

 Back at the first aid tent we were finishing preparations when a man wearing a USMC hat stepped up to me and said “Here, I thought you could use this.” He handed me a sturdy plastic, waterproof, tub the size of a shoebox.  I opened the tub and found it filled with neatly sorted sterile gauze pads and bandages.  I asked him if he wanted it back after the event and he said “No, keep it.”  After I said “Thank you!!!”  The Marine quietly walked off.  I had purchased first aid kits but if we didn’t have to open them they could be returned to the store and the money donated back to the IN Tea Party to help pay off the debt for the event. (I hope that Marine is reading this now because I wanted him to know that his supplies were used for an attendee’s eye injury shortly after the event started.  I used sterile gauze from the Marine’s box and didn’t have to open the kits from the store. Because of that we have $50 that can help pay for the event.)

 I thought I would faint when the State Police officer assigned to our event stepped into the tent and told us that they had arranged for AED’s to be available to us if needed.  I had asked him earlier if he carried one in his State Police car and when he said “no” I thought “well, I expected we wouldn’t have one available so this is not a huge set back”. Clearly the rain was going to discourage about anyone from attending so chances were slim we would need an AED anyway.  Now we would have access to an AED after all!  The team was given the number to call if we needed the AED. We were now as prepared as we possibly could be.  Our Medical Response team was comprised of Dr Blank (the ER doc who spoke) and 4 other R.N.’s Wes, Kesa, Julie, and Dot, all volunteers.

 As the event was nearing its start the Committee volunteers met once more about 4:30pm to discuss the last minute changes brought about by the ceaseless rain.  Silent questions about whether the Wright Bros. would be able to perform at all were met with the obvious answer given by the rain.  We looked about the soggy grounds and saw that there were very few people gathered besides the volunteers and the event was due to start in less than a half an hour.  We all remembered how people arrived for the Tax Day Tea Party hours before the event and now only a handful of people stood in the rain waiting for the show.  We had a prayer lead by one of the event speakers.  It was a great prayer but honestly, my spirits were getting lower by the minute and I personally had trouble mustering the same optimism as the Behney’s and other volunteers.  Once the prayer and meeting ended we all scurried back to our assigned places to greet the people we still hoped would come to the event…

 I returned to the first aid tent.  I felt I needed to remain there even though Kesa another volunteer R.N. was there.  I really wanted to attend the March from Monument Circle but I felt my first responsibility as leader of the Medical Response Team was to remain at the tent as much as possible.  A phone call came in to one of the volunteers nearby and the message was relayed to us…there were a couple hundred people assembled at the Monument for the march!  I thought well at least we’ll have a couple hundred people attend but in reality that news didn’t do much to lift my damp spirits. We’d hoped for thousands of people, a couple hundred didn’t compare. The committee members had been working 3 months, so very hard, to make this day a huge success only to see it washed down the drain with the rain that was coming down harder and harder as the time of the event approached.  About 5pm I began to hear the distant beats of the drum from the march.  It pulled me from my post in the first aid tent toward the part of the park where they would arrive.  Even though I was already soaked from the rain, as I left shelter of the tent, I began to feel even soggier and now cold too.  My mind thought back to all the sacrifices I had made to help with planning this event, time not spent with my husband and granddaughter, time not spent on my business, time not spent just to relax.  I thought of all the things that had not gotten done while I focused every shred of time I could on the Tea Party events.  I thought about how I would rather be at home now, warm and dry, maybe catching up on some sleep on the sofa…   Then, the beats of the drum got louder and I looked up to see the front rows of marchers coming toward me.  I began to cheer them on, I figured it was the least I could do since they had come out in the rain to participate in our event.  Then the first row of marchers turned the corner and behind them…more marchers!  I put my hand to my mouth in amazement, now too stunned to chant or cheer.  People really did care enough about this cause to march in a downpour!  But then the marchers just kept coming and as they turned the corner they revealed more marchers.  I felt like an idiot, here I was the Medical Response Team leader, wearing a Committee Leader security badge and I was crying.  Crying tears of JOY!  All the hours were NOT wasted!  People really did still care about the Tea Party movement!  They cared so much that they were not going to let the rain wash away their determination!  I started shouting “We’ve had enough!”  with the marchers while tears ran down my face. Like the others have written…the emotion was OVERWHELMING!

 To any of you who attended, I want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart for your determination and your PRESENCE at the INdependence Day Tea Party.  Every single one of you made every sacrifice we committee members make worth it!  I think I can safely speak for all the volunteers when I say that.  Your presence among MANY hundreds of others standing, resolute, in pouring rain CAN NOT be ignored by the media or more importantly our elected officials!  It is my hope and prayers that you will continue to make your voices heard and your presence seen as we go forward with future events including the flash rally this Wednesday at the GOP fundraiser.  We cannot relent!  We WILL NOT relent!

  Humbly submitted,


 P.S.  We had only one other “patient” in the First Aid Tent and he only required 2 antiseptic wipes and 2 band aids.  A safe event was a big bonus!

Healthcare Take Over.. It’s the Ideology Stupid

By: Jeff Petersen

Today many around the nation are rallying together to make their voices heard in opposition to the idea of Uncle Sam taking over the health care industry. I know that many do not like to call it a take over but that is exactly what it is. The liberal left hates the idea of individual choice unless it deals with women killing their unborn babies. The liberal left loves bureaucracy. The liberal left hates freedom. The voices that are rising up today are not those of the liberal left but of working (well some may be out of a job at the moment) Americans who hold to the idea that our Constitution does not support the government taking over any part of the private sector; not the auto industry, and certainly not health care.

From 1200EST-1:00PM EST, grassroots movements around the country will be protesting at government offices across the nation. The Tea Party Patriots are one of these groups. The truth of the matter is that everyone who reads this article (maybe it will only reach 300 people) should make an effort to keep this “reform” from happening. So if you were unable (like I am) to make it to one of the protests, then call the Senators and the Representative that represent you. You can find their contact information by clicking the link contact your representative right here on my blog.

In doing some research I found that the House version of this bill actually has a provision in it that will allow community organizations (read ACORN) to survey you based on your weight, your lifestyle, and your need for health care! My dear readers, this is yet another power grab by a hungry group of statists and progressives who truly believe that Big Brother can run your life better than you can. The liberal left wants to control your healthcare; this same liberal left is in full support of allowing women to kill their unborn babies on demand and is often found on the side of supporting euthanasia. Do you want this type of person making life and DEATH decisions for you? Remember that the socialist/communist mantra is based on the good of the community not the individual. If these are the people who run healthcare you would do well to never get sick and to stay productive (helping the community).

This legislation is also very expensive. I will not address the idea that healthcare is a right in this particular article. The bill that passed the House does not even satisfy the goal of insuring every American. What will happen is we will spend the money of working men and women to the tune of at least 1.5 trillion dollars. 1,500,000,000,000 dollars.  How is spending 1.5 trillion dollars going to save people money?  If taxes must be raised to pay for this behemoth legislation how is that saving people money?  Then there is the fear that 1.5 trillion is actually what it will cost or if the bureaucracy, that is sure to rise out of this system, doesn’t drive the costs higher. That is what happened with Medicare. I am sure history won’t repeat itself.

Another thing to consider is how invasive this new legislation will be. This bill is more about ideology than it is about practicality. It is about taking away choices away from individuals and giving them to a bureaucrat. It will no longer be a question about what your doctor thinks, or even what you think. Uncle Sam will decide if you really need to have that lump looked at. You are fooling yourself if you don’t think an Excel spreadsheet will be used to figure out if you are worthy of healthcare… put age into cell A1, weight into cell C44, taxes paid in last FY in cell AA22, political affiliation in cell R1. Presto.. coverage denied.

Lastly, it is about closing down the private sector. This bill, in tandem with Cap and Trade, is designed to repress small businesses and entrepreneurs. I know it is hard to believe but the liberal left is for BIG business. Why? Because BIG business can be manipulated. This bill is a scam. It is meant to drive private insurance companies out of the private sector. It is simply a lie that the progressives do not want to take full control. Of course they do. Though most people are unaware, there is a big push by the left to cease 401ks and replace them with an upgraded social security program. The liberal left and our political elite feel that you, the working men and women of our country, need to be managed. Our founding fathers would roll over in their graves.

This is a fundamental right we have as citizens of the United States. I am calling on you to fight for our country. My children are depending on you. Call, call, fax, fax, email, write, call your Senators… your representative… Let them know.. That you, the American taxpayer, have had ENOUGH.

This is something that many people don’t understand. In one way, it should work this way — the higher the tax rate, the more revenue you take in — but it doesn’t. The Laffer Curve is the visual reason why; but the explanation is also quite simple: the more you tax, the more people hide their money; the more you tax, the more they move themselves and/or their money; the more you tax, the less incentive people have to earn money; the more you tax, the less there is to spend; the less there is to spend, the slower the economy goes; the slower the economy goes, the less revenue comes in.

One of the series of books I read through and greatly enjoyed was the Nero Wolfe mystery series, written by Rex Stout (and a few years ago, also made into a series of A&E TV shows). The books were set contemporary to when they were written, with the first one being published in the 30s, I think, and going all the way through the 70s. A recurring motif in several of the earlier ones (probably those written in the 40s and 50s), was the oppressive income tax, and how it squelched the brilliant detective’s desire to take on a case. When the novels were set in late November or early December, it was frequently noted that Wolfe would turn down cases because he was at or near a certain income, and if he earned any more, he would be taxed at a rate of 90% for it, so he figured that 10% of whatever fee simply wasn’t worth it. And that’s true — would you want to do the same amount of work and actually get to keep only 10% of your gross? It’s ridiculous! It’s time to trim the federal budget, so that we can keep more of our money. We are




Term limits urged for all politicians

I am a great-grandmother who attended the inspiring patriotic Knoxville Tea Party.

I am an angry American who is witnessing our country being destroyed in less than 100 days of the Barack Obama administration.

As a nation, we must return to the God-given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness as provided in the Declaration of Independence.

The grassroots movement by ordinary people must save our freedom in America. We must have limited government–of the people, for the people and by the people.

Term limits for all politicians.

Mary Sanders

published in the Knoxville News Sentinel, May 2009

Earlier, Chuck gave his perspective on the TEA Party he helped organize [in seven days] in Ripley, Mississippi. Here is the video of the rally, with speaker Les Riley.

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When a budget debate is underway, and some politicians try to cut taxes so that you and I can keep more of our money, the refrain from some in the media as well as certain politicians (who tend to be liberal — they liberally take our money in the form of taxes and liberally spend our money in the form of pork programs) is, “How are we going to pay for these tax cuts??” That’s the wrong question.

Nobody “pays” for tax cuts — it’s actually an absurdity.

If you spend everything you earn, and then lose some of your income, nobody would ask you, “How are you going to pay for your pay cut?” because it is recognized as not making any sense. Rather, someone might ask how you are going to pay your expenses due to your pay cut. It might seem like a minor quibble, but it really isn’t. Words are powerful! In skipping the step, and saying “pay for tax cuts,” it gives a powerful force to those who want to keep taking more of your money.

When you and I are faced with a reduction in income, what do we do? We economize. We reduce our expenses to match our income. Luxuries and non-necessary items are the first to go. You and I have to do this sometimes — why should our government (which is supposedly “we the people”) be so different? Why should the government continue to pay for luxuries and non-necessary items when revenue goes down, while you and I have to tighten our belts in order to make it?

In asking, “How are we going to pay for tax cuts?” it makes it sound as if the expenses are fixed and unalterable! How ridiculous! In any budget, there are only two sides to the equation: income and expenses. If my income goes down and I can’t get it back up, I have to cut my expenses. If the government’s income actually goes down due to cuts in tax rates (which is arguable), why do they act as if they cannot reduce their expenses? That’s just arrogance, pure and simple. It also smacks of immaturity — like the guy who is living on the edge (or even over the edge), but won’t give up his meals out or his unlimited cell phone usage or cable TV even if he can’t meet his bills. Or someone who buys a brand-new car that he can’t afford just because he likes it. Reminds me of a toddler — “But I want it!”

It’s time for some grown-ups to stand up and put the arrogant teenagers and toddlers that are currently in charge of our government back in their places, so that those who are mature (not necessarily old; just mature — able to say “no” and mean it) can run the government and get us back on the right path.

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Entitled Tea partier is not would-be terrorist

I have been described as the whining rich, arrogant, redneck, astro-roots, would-be, could-be terrorist by the media.

In reality, I am a 78 year-old grandmother who participated in the Knoxville Tea Party.

I worked 33 years for AT&T and earned a pension and am considered in the poverty category.

Everything I buy is taxed. Food is a necessity–a big tax burden out of my budget.

I fear for my grandchildren and their load of our government debt.

My sign said, “Stop Bankrupting America.”

I want the best for my country and pray that we are not headed on the road to socialism and international law.

Ruth Yetsko

published in the Knoxville News Sentinel on May 9, 2009

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