Who writes the bills? Who is the Apollo Alliance? A high school student asks Congressman Steve Buyer – if HR 3200 passes, and salaries for physicians are capped, what motivation does he have to enter med school?

More questions:

Part 5:

Part 6 (SCHIP):

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

August 20, 2009

Senator Bayh,

After reading the attached letter to you from a fellow Hoosier (Whom I have never met), I need to remind you how I feel as well regarding H.R. 3200 “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act” and any similar bill.  My wife and I have written and called Rep Peter Visclosky, Senator Lugar and your self on various topics during 2008 and 2009.  We have received responses from your office and appreciate them.  Since you represent us, we need to understand what you stand for and what you are doing in Washington.

Concern is growing daily over the direction our current President and Congress are taking us.

As a CPA, I believe in small, medium and large business based on my experiences.  Businesses have adjusted extremely quickly to the recession during the last 9 months.  We have cut cost in order to be able to service our customers, pay our vendors and employ as many people as we can considering the current environment.  We are making these changes so that we can return to creating wealth which can be used to reinvest back into our people and communities.  Those that have not been able to adjust because their business models completely broke down have the Bankruptcy System to re-employ the remaining assets into new productive structures.  It would take years for the US Government to adjust operations/spending the way that American Businesses have already been able to. 

My experience also tells me that the smaller businesses can adjust much more quickly than the very large ones.  That is why growing the US Federal Government with Deficit Spending and unavoidable Increased Taxes is UNACCEPTABLE.  Like AIG and GM etc, the US Government is also not TOO BIG TO FAIL.  Like the US Taxpayer Bailouts of AIG and GM only the US Tax Payer will be able to save the US Government causing extreme pain to those Tax Payers.

I say all this to say that the average tax paying Hoosier is against Government Run Health Care in whatever form or language Congress uses.  The larger the US Government grows the less freedom individual Americans have.  The Doctor expressed this very well.

We ask you to vote against any form of Government Run Health Care and any form of Health Care Reform that increases deficits or raises taxes.

Most importantly, whether you vote for or against Government Run Health Care doesn’t really matter.  What matters is if Government Run Health Care passes.  If it passes than you did not do enough to stop it!  Our only alternative than will be to vote you out of office and replace you with someone who represents us.  My family is prepared to spend our time and resources to see that we are represented in Congress now and in the future. 

No we are not a large special interest, we are Americans!  Our individual voice is small but we have remembered how to use it, and there are many of us.  Please hear us and act on our behalf.


Daniel  XXX, CPA

Hoosier Tax Payer and Voter

This is something that many people don’t understand. In one way, it should work this way — the higher the tax rate, the more revenue you take in — but it doesn’t. The Laffer Curve is the visual reason why; but the explanation is also quite simple: the more you tax, the more people hide their money; the more you tax, the more they move themselves and/or their money; the more you tax, the less incentive people have to earn money; the more you tax, the less there is to spend; the less there is to spend, the slower the economy goes; the slower the economy goes, the less revenue comes in.

One of the series of books I read through and greatly enjoyed was the Nero Wolfe mystery series, written by Rex Stout (and a few years ago, also made into a series of A&E TV shows). The books were set contemporary to when they were written, with the first one being published in the 30s, I think, and going all the way through the 70s. A recurring motif in several of the earlier ones (probably those written in the 40s and 50s), was the oppressive income tax, and how it squelched the brilliant detective’s desire to take on a case. When the novels were set in late November or early December, it was frequently noted that Wolfe would turn down cases because he was at or near a certain income, and if he earned any more, he would be taxed at a rate of 90% for it, so he figured that 10% of whatever fee simply wasn’t worth it. And that’s true — would you want to do the same amount of work and actually get to keep only 10% of your gross? It’s ridiculous! It’s time to trim the federal budget, so that we can keep more of our money. We are




Earlier, Chuck gave his perspective on the TEA Party he helped organize [in seven days] in Ripley, Mississippi. Here is the video of the rally, with speaker Les Riley.

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The government has gotten too much control away from the people — we are fast becoming an oligarchy and we don’t even know it. When they speak of right-wing groups being dangerous because we want states’ rights, they may be correct. But it is not because we are wrong, but because we are right. The only thing that has kept the federal government at bay this long is that our states were more independent. Now, our states’ rights are being eroded on a daily basis, and no one seems to be noticing or caring — and the people who do care are now being labeled dangerous conspirators. We are not dangerous to the government created and restrained by the Constitution, but rather to the government that has thrown off the restraints of the Constitution, which serve to keep us a free people — free not from outside enemies, but from inside enemies, and from the government itself.

We have forgotten the famous (and truthful) quotes of past leaders — “That government is best which governs least”; “America is great because she is good. When America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great”; “Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We are fast heading towards a government with absolute power, and it is guaranteed to be absolutely corrupt. May God have mercy on this country.

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The below story is written by my brother who lives in Falkner MS. He is a teacher in the MS school system. The town of Ripley, MS holds 6,000 souls inside the “city” limits. This fact is important as you look at the number of people who turned out and the story did make it into the local paper. In many ways I suppose he is an average “Joe” but in many more ways he is an exceptional person. Of course I am biased. Each person who is willing to shed their complacency, their latency, their apathy, and rise up and be counted and turn towards Washington DC and with a loud and clear voice make it known that they are MAD AS HELL AND THEY ARE TAKING THEIR COUNTRY BACK is not an average Joe or Jane but rather a patriot who is willing to join a battle that does not have a guaranteed outcome. These are the people who will decide the fate of our country.


The “Tea Party” experience from an average Joe citizen’s perspective.

I guess like a lot of people, I watched Rick Santelli go off on cable news about the government bailouts, especially in regards to the bailouts on foreclosures. The question was, “why should us responsible, law abiding citizens pay for or subsidize irresponsible behavior in the form of bailing out people who couldn’t afford the home in the first place?” He suggested that people form a type of Tea Party to protest. So the events were never designed to protest the narrow issue of taxation, but the larger issue of too much government and its always present interference into our lives. I’m sure the topic and concern of the over taxation of our future generations that will be taxed was also an issue too.

Well, more and more things came down the pike: the future stimuli, the shameful apology for America to the Europeans (maybe for bailing them out in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War/Soviet aggression?), the Fusion Center in MO identifying those who vote for third-party candidates and the more recent DHS report on the “radicalizing of right wing extremists, etc.” (of which, I fall into several of their categories), the appointments of Rahm Emmanuel and others of highly questionable character and ethics (tax cheats, etc.), the mask is off, so to speak! I, as an average Joe, felt the need TO DO SOMETHING!!!

Well, I saw the Tea Parties on Facebook (organizing one), so I signed up. I got absolutely no interest from all those I emailed (except my bro, Jeff, who was already doing another one). I thought the thing would come and go and that I would not be involved. First, I want to say that I got no direction, except for a little template that the AFA website gave; got no support financially (Fox News DID NOT SUPPORT ME!): I was on my own.

Then a guy called from down here (Ripley, MS) and we talked. WE DECIDED that we would change the time to 5:15 PM to more readily accommodate and engage the working class that would probably be there. He would handle calling the paper, news, and city hall for a permit—I would handle getting people there, advertizing, and speaking or getting a speaker—this was all on Tues. April 7th! I called my brother and told him I wasn’t expecting much and honestly thought that it would be 15—20 people with now news coverage (perhaps a blurb in the local paper).

Well, I did get the word out at church and put up a couple of fliers in the local stores with my wife Kathy’s help. I contacted a Constitutional Party agricultural secretary candidate, Les Riley to see if he’d be willing to speak, to which he gave his immediate and gracious consent.

On Wednesday April 15, we had 150—200 people show up (not my estimate, but the media’s that were there, print, TV, and radio!). I gave a speech about “We The People” and how that the Founding Fathers identified themselves that way. I talked about we the people for a bit, quoted some famous Founding Fathers, and introduced Les Riley. Les spoke upon the topic that we have a representative republican democracy. He stated that a pure democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner! He then went in to personal responsibility and the key of local political events. He kept referring to a quote when Benjamin Franklin was approached by a citizen after the Constitutional Convention and was asked, “what have you given us, sir?” “A republic, if you can keep it,” was Franklin’s astute reply. Throughout the course of his speech, he would refer to the above Franklin quote. He referenced the importance of Christianity and its principles in the milieu of personal responsibility. He called on us to repent and turn to Christ.

The last speaker, Jimmy Walker (no, not Good Times), said that he had been studying the Bible for 50+ years and the example over and over again that’s apparent is that a people that turn their backs on God, God allows wicked rulers to rule over the people. He also called on us to repent and closed in prayer.

I’m writing this to tell you some things:

a) that it’s average Joe’s and Jane’s that are going to make a difference

b) that there is a groundswell of dissatisfaction going on

c) to continue the momentum (I said in my speech that this is the springboard or impetus for greater things)

d) that Republican or Democrat, we need to vote most of these bums out

e) that Republican or Democrat, we cannot abide the abridgment of speech or the crack-down on other Constitutional rights

f) that anyone can organize something if I could (I never did something like this before: NEVER!)

Let’s march on Washington and take our country back, for ourselves and our posterity!!!!


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My day at the Indy TEA Party started the day before, gathering up medical supplies and equipment. I am a proud and uniformed Defender of Liberty; when I saw that Lori was looking for medical team members, I stepped up as we all have. Every one of us has different skills and talents, that’s why we work so well together. The Muncie 9.12 members traveled down to the TEA Party with Grant County Tea Party members on a bus, looking forward to an amazing event that exceeded all expectations! When we got to Indy around 2:30 PM, folks were already gathering. The medical area was set up and ready, thanks to Lori and the other med team members. We were prepared, so we got acquainted and mingled around. Being right of stage meant that we could not see the stage and speakers, but we could hear very well. We also had a great vantage point for the crowd, the sidewalk, and newcomers. Shortly before the program began, did you all notice the street lined with people holding signs? Did you hear the constant barrage of car horns responding with encouragement? These were sights and sounds I will not forget!

I was thrilled to hear Wes address the crowd. He is an RN and fellow medical team member, a friend, and a staunch defender of Liberty. Ask him about some of his adventures if you have the opportunity. He is the future of our country and we are in good hands! I was also inspired to hear the young woman from Ireland. To borrow a line from Ollie North: “Hers is a story that deserves to be told.” We rarely hear the good things, the uplifting things, the things that strengthen us as the fabric of America. Indy TEA Party was a wonderful exception — thanks Richard and Laura.
Right of stage was colder than…never mind — a little chilly on that cool and cloudy day. There was a cold wind blowing in from the north and straight around the corner of the building. Every time I got chilled to the bone, I stepped away and walked into the crowd. There is strength and warmth in our numbers, folks! I saw wonderful signs, spoke with friendly and concerned citizens, noticed many families of all varieties and ages. We came together as members of a common cause — known by name. We parted as friends and fellow Defenders of Liberty. We will stand together and see this through! The Indy TEA Party was just the beginning.


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